Since 1980 the Song family has hand-harvested gamtae seaweed and played a huge part in introducing the then-relatively unknown gamtae to the rest of South Korea. Patriarch and founder CheolSoo Song is also the sole patent holder of Gamtae and a designated Food Master by the region of Seosan.

Not only does gamtae have to be hand harvested in the wild, the process of cleaning and properly drying out the seaweed requires a specific skill set possessed by only a handful of artisans. Family patriarch CheolSoo Song is the only patent holder of gamtae in the world, and has handed down his expertise to the family’s current generation.
Not only does gamtae have to be hand harvested in the wild, the process of cleaning and properly drying out the seaweed requires a specific skill set possessed by only a handful of artisans. Family patriarch CheolSoo Song is the only patent holder of gamtae in the world, and has handed down his expertise to the family’s current generation.
1. Gamtae can only be hand harvested from mudflats during the winter months from December to March. Only the soft part can be harvested without disturbing the roots.
2. Gamtae is rinsed in fresh water.
3. Gamtae is flattened & shaped by hand.
4. Gamtae is dried by natural sunlight and the ocean wind.
1. Gamtae can only be hand harvested from mudflats during the winter months from December to March. Only the soft part can be harvested without disturbing the roots.
2. Gamtae is rinsed in fresh water.
3. Gamtae is flattened & shaped by hand.
4. Gamtae is dried by natural sunlight and the ocean wind.
Gamtae only grows in uncontaminated, clean seawater under specific conditions, making it impossible to farm. And it can only be found in Wando and Jeolla provinces of South Korea, and in select parts of Japan. Rich in fiber and calcium, gamtae’s abundance of minerals further aids in calcium absorption. Gamtae is also full of potassium and iron, making it a great food for children, pregnant women, and the elderly.
Gamtae only grows in uncontaminated, clean seawater under specific conditions, making it impossible to farm. And it can only be found in Wando and Jeolla provinces of South Korea, and in select parts of Japan. Rich in fiber and calcium, gamtae’s abundance of minerals further aids in calcium absorption. Gamtae is also full of potassium and iron, making it a great food for children, pregnant women, and the elderly.